What is this about & why should you care?

If you’re here, you found the blog on purpose through a link or search engine maybe? Or perhaps you found this by accident and the really snazzy blog title intrigued you (if the dryness of it didn’t totally turn you off). Whoever you are, whatever you do and however you found this – I’m glad you’re here!

You can read about my background on LinkedIn so I won’t belabor that here. This blog isn’t about that, but please do reach out and connect if you like.

This blog is about all the tags you see noted and facilitating conversations and sharing resources among like-minded, interested people: HR professionals, EAP partners, consultants, practitioners, academicians, occupational health and leave management professionals, etc etc. This blog space is for you and I hope you’ll read and participate when you can.

Thank you for reading and your interest in this space.